International Trade Regulation
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International Trade Regulation provides a comprehensive, regularly-updated statement of the law and practice of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other multilateral arrangements governing international trade.
Written by Edmond McGovern; foreword by Peter Sutherland.
Published since 1995; updated every six months.
ISSN 1357-2695 (PRINT) - 258x190 mm loose-leaf binder;
ISSN 2049-2200 (ONLINE) – digital edition by email.
International Trade Regulation aims to be:
- comprehensive: some 1300 pages of analysis cover the WTO rules - GATT, GATS and TRIPS - as well as those of other multilateral arrangements, such as the Harmonized System Convention and CITES, that have a bearing on international trade. The analysis is linked to numerous source documents on the web (see the full list).
- accessible: to cope with the complex nature of the WTO, where one set of facts can have a number of legal implications, the work aims at a high degree of integration, in particular through the use of frequent cross-references and a uniform style. The Globefield website provides web links for documents cited in the text, including all WTO dispute settlement reports.
- regularly updated: from the earliest days of the WTO both the Appellate Body and individual panels have been busy resolving disputes between Members and in doing so have produced a steady stream of legal interpretations of the Agreements on points major and minor. New agreements have been concluded. To keep track of these changes updates to the text are issued every six months, and there are online comments on matters arising in the interim.
Print and Digital format
Subscriptions are available either in traditional loose-leaf print form or digitally as comprehensive updated editions.
The digital option provides greatly increased usability along with reduced cost and immediate availability. We use PDF files, accessible through the free Adobe Reader program, and readable on tablets and smart phones. This provides unrivalled search options, as well as enabling us to use linked cross references within and outside the text, and bookmarked section headings.
Online information and web links
We are committed to expanding our online supporting information, by providing links to documents that are cited, including WTO/GATT dispute settlement reports.
"Edmond McGovern's January 2015 update to International Trade Regulation makes this outstanding book even more useful for anyone with an interest in international trade regulation. In 1995, Mr. McGovern first captured the enormous changes to the international trade regulation system rendered by the Uruguay Round agreements in his first edition of International Trade Regulation. Since that time, he has been an avid student of the application and implementation of those agreements through the dispute settlement process of the World Trade Organization ("WTO"). We benefit from that scholarship in his 2015 update, which not only explains the organizational and doctrinal underpinnings of the international trade regulation system, but also analyzes how the system works in the context of the dispute settlement process for each of the main areas addressed: trade in goods, trade in services, and intellectual property. With a detailed table of contents and index, the book is an exceptionally handy research tool for any student or practitioner of international trade regulation."
Global Trade and Customs Journal
"... this is the single most comprehensive compilation of multilateral trade agreements, the GATT/WTO jurisprudence coupled with the author's understanding and interpretation of how the WTO edifice works in practice.
... this is a book for practitioners of any sort: University professors and students, lawyers and their clients, national delegations and international secretariats. In short, everybody with an interest in international trade regulation (in world integration, more generally) must possess this unique volume."
Journal of World Trade
"McGovern's ‘International Trade Regulation’ is a most useful, most convincing and most impressive work on WTO/GATT law. Anyone working in the field of international trade law and practice is well advised to consult McGovern's work on any legal question concerning this complex and important field of international law."
German Yearbook of International Law
"[C]e commentaire rendra les plus grands services à ceux qui souhaiteront prendre connaissance du nouveau droit des échanges internationaux."
Annuaire Français de Droit International
International Trade Regulation was previously published as a hardback volume (which also included sections on US and EC law). This is what reviewers had to say about it:
"This is the first major book to systematically deal with GATT and related trade issues since the completion of the Tokyo Round Negotiations in 1979. Indeed, the wealth of detail and the accuracy of information is astonishing for a book of this scope, published so soon after the completion of that negotiation. The diligence, mastery of detail, and prodigious effort of the author is manifest."
Prof. John Jackson, Common Market Law Review
"All concerned with the puzzle of GATT will be eager to obtain this excellent work... This is the ideal bedside book of the international trade expert."
Journal of World Trade Law
"This excellent, clearly written and presented account of the legal bases of trade..." Development Policy Review
"Par la masse de documents qu'il rassemble et l'éffort de systématisation qui l'anime, cet ouvrage est le plus considérable qui ait paru sur le sujet depuis l'achèvement de la négociation de Tokyo en 1979. C'ést à coup sûr le meilleur guide pour éviter au lecteur de se perdre dans le dédale de la reglementation du commerce international."
Rev. générale de droit international public
"Completed just before the Uruguay Round began, the book remains a timely text because of its encyclopedic examination of the structure and policies and differing philosophies of international trade regulation."
American Journal of International Law
Comments and Suggestions
We welcome suggestions for amendments or improvements to International Trade Regulation.
You can send your comments to the Globefield Press or to Mr McGovern.